Chuan Tang, Ph.D.
College of Economics and Management
Huazhong Agricultural University

Welcome! I am an associate professor at the College of Economics and Management at Huazhong Agricultural University. I am also affiliated with the Macro Agriculture Research Institute. I hold a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering, specializing in Environmental Economics, from Clarkson University. My research work addresses two broad questions: (i) what are the monetary values of water quality and society's demand for improved water quality; (ii) how does agricultural production impact water quality and its associated socio-economic consequences. 

In addition, when I feel tired of convincing the Reviewer 2 about the validity of my instrument variables, I switch gear and turn to interdisciplinary research leveraging environmental big data and smart agricultural technologies to address the trade-offs between agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability.

Feel free to send me a note if you have any questions or would like to collaborate on interesting ideas.

Behind me is the Berliner Mauer